Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Deconstructing comments!

This might just become a regular segment here at Damn You Mary, Damn You... Deconstructing the comments that we get.

Today's comment comes from our very own Mar(t)y McFly. Hi McFly!

So, let's look at Mar(t)y's comment. Just as a side note, Mar(t)y is actually quite hard to type and for some reason counts as a word to my spell check and yet McFly doesn't. How odd...

Onwards we move!
To the block quote!

Sorry, I didn't mean too...
At least i gave it back to you, right?

Now, first allow me to destroy... I mean question... no comment, Maybe I should stick with destroy. Allow me to crush my lovely assistant.
Oh man, I'm totally going to get ran over with a car for this.

I hope all our viewers are sitting down right now as I reveal the biggest secret I have. My assistant, our very own Mar(t)y McFly is actually the one and same Mary of Damn You Mary, Damn You fame.
Yes, I know.
It's shocking, right?

I thought now one would ever work out our ingenious code, alas, I was wrong.

The alter ego thing is ruined. I wonder if this is how Clark Kent felt...

Oh well, let's look at the comment in seperate parts!


Yeah you are.

I didn't mean too...

That's what they all say, this time my V, next time my kidney.
"hey Elyse, we did give you a lot of alcohol so you'd pass out. We were kind!"

I guess one of them was technically yours...

At least i gave it

Yes, you generosity is infamous! INFAMOUS!
Alternatively... Yeah, you did.

back to you

Was a terrible show. I just don't really get it.
There is also some terrible puns I'm thinking of, so I'll keep you distracted with some other terrible puns.
So I went camping on the weekend, it was in-tents.

, right?


I'm not sure who wins this round Mary, but your lack of commitment to your alter ego is disheartening.
Or maybe I should be asleep and not on the internet.
Damn replies! Damn you Mary! DAMN YOU!

I think next time I should write a reply on one of McFly's posts... That was a hint, Mar(t)y. Subtle, huh?
And then deconstruct my own comment.

Could be fun.

Do you know what could also be fun?
Damning Mary.

'til next time.


And Scene.

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