Wednesday, September 2, 2009


In all my damnation of Mary (Damn you Mary, Damn you) and in my discussions of damnation with out very own Mar(t)y McFly, I have been waiting for someone to come along and defend her.

While I was doing something, I don't even remember what, it might have been scheduling a meeting to discuss matters of great urgency such as laser tag or my aquisation of a Jedi Robe, when I discovered that some one HAD commented!

MORE THAN ONCE! An entire three times!
I was overly excited about this.
I don't know who they are, so they might be a random defending Mary, which makes me very proud! And amused that none of her friends will come to her aid.

Oh, poor Mary.

Well, the first comments I believe are also trying to make fun of me, but this poster has won my heart by using as a source. You could be the devil, but damn, that makes you awesome.

Just because one can, in more than welcome fact, 'damn' Mary, can you justify calling the action of her stepping up to the role of leader of a group - in which any given member is not being forced against their will - a tyranny?
According to, tyranny can be defined as: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
Is the position that Mary is about to take so great that it can be said to give her 'unrestrained exercise of power'? She hasn't even stepped up yet. How can you say that she will be a despotic abuser of her authority?
I'm all for clever rhetoric being used to hide true meaning, but really, think about what you are saying...

Now, I'm not sure which point to take first, so I'll do as I tradionally do and work backwards.

but really, think about what you are saying

You have read my posts, right?
Come on man, I clearly don't think about what I'm saying.

I'm all for clever rhetoric being used to hide true meaning

I'm flattered that you would call my writing "clever rhetoric" but I kind of think you are drunk.
I shouldn't say that to people I don't know, should I?
Same thing happened this morning at the bus stop.

There is no true meaning, whether or not this reflects my beliefs on the matter of truth is a different story.
If you'd like to know more, I take requests in my ramblings.

How can you say that she will be a despotic abuser of her authority?

Is this a literal question or a metaphorical question?
Because taken literally, I can say it because I have the power of speech which allows me to use a combination of oxgen and vocal chords to provide such speech. I'll have to look up a more biological satificatory reason if you'd like more information.
Metaphorically- I have the FREEDOM of Speech... or maybe I don't, what country does that belong to?
Basically, it comes down to because I can. It's whether I find the statement to actually be reflective of my actual beliefs that remain in question.

Plus, have you met Mary? Totally a despotic abuser of authority.
The blackmail that she has over me is numerous. So numerous.
You'd think writing this blog would give me some leway or you know, do something. No, no it doesn't.
All about abusing the authority.

She hasn't even stepped up yet

Now she has!

Is the position that Mary is about to take so great that it can be said to give her 'unrestrained exercise of power'?

Depends how well her puppets dance for her.

According to, tyranny can be defined as: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.

I do love a good quote.
I sometimes prefer wiki myself.
One who runs a Tyranny, is a tyrannt... "In modern usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small oligarchy over the best interests of the general population"

So the Tyranny of Mary would imply that she is going to be a harsh and cruel ruler.
Yes, I can see it.
She is a harsh ruler, she stepped up to the plate as of last Thursday. There was blood shed. Alright, there wasn't.
But still, there was harshness and that's enough for me to call her a Tyrannt or atleast in the adjective, as opposed to the noun.

Just because one can, in more than welcome fact, 'damn' Mary, can you justify calling the action of her stepping up to the role of leader of a group - in which any given member is not being forced against their will - a tyranny?

You'll be surprised at what I can justify.

Man, that was fun!
Block quotes are awesome!
I don't think I took too many quotes out of context, but next time I'll work on it.

'til next time,
Enjoy all your Mary Bitching needs...


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